The Vite Converter automates the upgrade of your Laravel application from using Laravel Mix to Vite. Laravel adopted Vite as its frontend build tool in Laravel 9 as a modern, faster alternative to Laravel Mix.
Using the Vite Converter to automatically upgrade your Laravel application has an estimated time savings of 1 hour.
The Vite Converter automates many of the upgrades listed in the Vite Upgrade Guide, including:
environment variables.require
statements to import
Blade directive.Vite has stricter code requirements than Laravel Mix. As such, if your project is using a JavaScript framework like Vue, React, or Inertia, you may need to perform some additional manual steps, such as updating file extensions. Shift will attempt to leave a detail comment outlining these additional steps in the PR.
If you have a complex or heavily-customized build process with Laravel Mix you may need to rework some processes for Vite. It is possible Vite may not have a comparable process. If not, you may continue to use Laravel Mix.